Catering and Special Event Design
Leave It To Us!
“Since 2011, we have been particularly fortunate
to work with Leave It To Us! each November
to provide breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks for our annual three-day, Ministry In Motion conference. With logistics to plan for more than 140 delegates, no detail is too small. Each year, we do a conference survey with those who attend -–
every year, the feedback about Leave It To Us!
has been unanimously positive. This is a wonderful team to work with, and we know we can trust them to do a great job. That’s why we look forward to working with Leave It To Us! for many years
to come.”
Penny Bailey
Ministry in Motion Planning Committee
Wellington Square United Church, Burlington, Ontario
It’s one thing for us to tell you how good we are…
...why not see what our valued clients have to say!